Friday, September 21, 2007

There was a debate last night!

So, yeah. Last night there was a debate at FSC. It wasn't on TV, which is pretty stupid.

I didn't go. I considered it, but came up with a list of reasons not to instead. It went like this:
  • Nobody's going to care about this debate since it's not on tv.
  • Debates are sort of annoying.
  • If Ted DeSalvatore sees me in the crowd and realizes who I am he'll probably punch me in the nose.
  • I don't want to get punched in the nose.
  • It'll probably be on FATV's website later anyway.
  • Seriously, I feel sort of urpy.
  • To hell with feeling urpy, I have beer in the fridge!
  • I bet I can get drunk and find something great on youtube!
  • Crap, I should have gone to the debate!
Turns out I was right about the last bit, I should have gone!

Why? Because Lisa Wong apparently kicked everyone's ass. This doesn't surprise me, because I thought she dominated the first debate too. But it is nice to hear. Jason over at Save Fitchburg has a nice wrap-up/analysis thingy here that's worth reading. People I've talked to who attended the debate basically confirm his assessment of Wong as the very clear winner.

The Sentinel (which clearly supports DeSalvatore and hates Wong) also had two articles, here and here. They're about what you would expect.

Also you can find stuff in the Fitchburg Pride's article and over in the Telegram too!

That's a lot of writing!

I'm still waiting for the debate to get posted online. Once it does and I get a chance to watch it I'll update this post. In the meantime, feel free to chime in with your own analysis here.

[Update 9/23/07: Holy crap I'm lazy! Luckily for me, 1970s Abraham Lincoln has posted a very good review of the debate over at Hello Fitchburg. It pretty much says what I'd have said, except better. So go read that!]


  1. According to a neighbor, there were a shitload of Ted folks there. And she hates Ted.

    That many wackos in one place is scary. This coming from a person who survived 35 Dead shows.

    Was there a bus waiting outside, complete with helmets, ready to return them all to the nuthouse?

  2. Hi!

    We've gotten ALOT of phone calls all week asking if/when the debate this Thursday would be on TV. Unfortunetly we were unable to broadcast it live, but play times are scheduled! For anyone that couldn't make it, or may just want to freshen themselves up before election day, here they are! All plays will be on FATV channel 10

    TONIGHT (Friday) @ 10:00pm
    Saturday 1:00pm
    Saturday 7:00pm
    Sunday 12:00pm
    Sunday 10:00pm
    Monday 7:00am
    Monday 12:00pm
    Monday 7:00pm
    Tuesday (ELECTION DAY) 10:30pm
    Tuesday (ELECTION DAY) 4:30pm

    The debate can also be viewed online at As well as the candidates five minute speeches, the debate held here at FATV, AND their seperate interviews with Bill Gates. Don't forget to check the website's Program Guide to find replays of all these events up until (and including) election day. All will be on FATV channel 10.

    Happy voting, see you at the polls!


  3. According to a neighbor, there were a shitload of Ted folks there.

    I'd say he had maybe 15-20 obvious supporters in the crowd, which accounts for about 10% of the audience. There would have been more, but I heard that the Desalvo team thought it would be televised live, so they told people to stay home and watch on TV.

  4. stay home and watch it on tv? i hope people really don't go to some of the events in this city just because they can see it on tv. go! it's always better in person and it's right down the road! if we're there, there's a reason, so head on down!

    we firmly believe that we commit a public service by bringing these events who are unable to attend for various reasons. wether it be health issues, age, certain situation, we bring it to those. but the lazy..get up and check and it out.

  5. bringing these events to those who cannot goI
